Chief Engineers JATIM Training Center : Colaboration with DVS. Heatpump Operation Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Chief Engineers JATIM Training Center: 
Colaboration with DVS

Heatpump Operation Maintenance & Troubleshooting

 Learn about heatpump water heating solutions and practices

Tuesday, May 7th 2024  - 09.00 WIB
The Alana Hotel Malang

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Join us for an insightful heatpump workshop

Revolutionize your hotel's water heating system with state-of-the-art heat pump technology. Dive into the exceptional features and advantages during an enlightening product knowledge session led by our expert. Tap into the power of advanced heat pump solutions for a hospitality experience that's both efficient and sustainable.


Bintang Watjana

Corporate Chief Engineer

I Ketut Wijaya, S.T., M.T

Corporate Chief Engineer 

Sistho A, Sreshtho, S.T., CHA

General Manager 
The Alana Hotel Malang

Dani Irawan

An adept practitioner well-versed in the intricacies of heat pump water heaters. Their profound knowledge and hands-on experience enable them to unravel the complexities, offering invaluable guidance and innovative solutions in the realm of heat pump water heating systems. 

Ni Luh Gede
Meet our distinguished team member, a seasoned expert in water heaters, specializing in hotel and villa installations across the captivating realms of Bali and Lombok.


Meet a seasoned practitioner with a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of heat pump water heaters. With over 15 years of hands-on experience, this expert delves deep into the nuances of heat pump technology for water heating 

Register Now : 

Join us for an insightful heatpump workshop

Revolutionize your hotel's water heating system with state-of-the-art heat pump technology. Dive into the exceptional features and advantages during an enlightening product knowledge session led by our expert. Tap into the power of advanced heat pump solutions for a hospitality experience that's both efficient and sustainable.

Key Note Speakers :

Bintang Watjana

Corporate Chief Engineer

Sistho A, Sreshtho, S.T., CHA

General Manager 
The Alana Hotel Malang

Dani Irawan

 An adept practitioner well-versed in the intricacies of heat pump water heaters. Their profound knowledge and hands-on experience enable them to unravel the complexities, offering invaluable guidance and innovative solutions in the realm of heat pump water heating systems.


Meet a seasoned practitioner with a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of heat pump water heaters. With over 15 years of hands-on experience, this expert delves deep into the nuances of heat pump technology for water heating

Ni Luh Gede Setiawati

 Meet our distinguished team member, a seasoned expert in water heaters, specializing in hotel and villa installations across the captivating realms of Bali and Lombok.

I Ketut Wijaya, S.T, M.T

Corporate Chief Engineer